Twice, while doing perimeter patrols on the four-wheeler, I ran deer out of the burn! Can deer smell cigarette smoke? I've always figured that a deer that's downwind from me will smell me, whether or not I'm smoking. Worked awesome on both a Mountain Lion and Turkey mount that had been living in a bar for 30 years. We were there all of the time, it was our routine, once or twice a week we were there, working cattle, plowing a field, fixing fences etc., the deer were used to our smells, the routines, the 2 pickups, the tractor and us. What ever one walks on carries a scent. A: Cigarette smoke can cling tenaciously to possessions and even the very walls, floors, and ceilings of a house that once belonged to a heavy smoker. I tend to agree it's more change of atmosphere and normal smells. He doesn’t take a shot, but he certainly could have, and although the deer do move off, they do not do so hurriedly. I can't tell you about elk, my first hunt coming in a few days. the area I was hunting is surrounded by houses with fireplaces , the deer smell smoke all the time. Saw a good 10 point buck but had no shot at 40 yds. One is a curiousity and food lure while the other is a cover scent, both of which are supposed to be burned at the same time. A deer's nose is almost as sensitive as a dog, and dogs can smell dope easily, and track three day old scent trails. I've set in a blind with him with him puffing like a locomotive and deer 30 yards downwind,they never spooked. You needn’t go to the trouble of building a rack. A rack with a crossarm above the fire was made from saplings, and the clothing was hung on this while wet moss or leaves were added to the fire to create dense smoke. IMO, deer smell cigarette smoke more easily than just the smell of a non-smoking person. (Deer often smell smoke and don’t react unfavorably to its odor.) I think the key is the deer on the place were used to smokers and the smell of cigarette smoke. Blow dry. Jeff Moran, sitting in a deer stand, says that deer came from directly down wind and didn’t spook and then walked under his stand where he hoped a big buck would approach them. They consist of two sticks, part A and part B. Can cigarette smoke act as a cover scent? Rinse well, may have to repeat soap and clean water until the rinse water quits running discolored. Use your own judgement on if the mount can handle this method. Smoke could mean danger since it could mean fire, and danger. with bow. It could be that cigarette smoke is more unusual than just people, and wild critters generally don't like what's unusual. No smell and removed the greasy/tar that had them stained a yellowy-brown. No way to prove it, though. The smell of your tracks will linger for a long time after the smell of cigarette or cigar smoke is long gone. He would always put out his cigarette on the ground right there where he fed them, said he wanted to let them to get used to the smoke smell. Smoke those cigarettes if you want, because the deer will be taking off if they are downwind of you anyway. I did a 12-15 acre controlled burn last Jan-Feb. in some planted pines. What ever one eats carries a scent. I hunted the waterworks property in Newton Co this past weekend and smoked a pack of cigarettes in the woods. And yes I saw about 12 deer and killed a 130 lb doe. Haven't tried it as a cover, but can vouch for a deer's apparent lack of alarm to the smoke smell (or maybe curiosity). The theory being that smoke travels very far and they say deer can smell them from almost up to a mile away. This video makes the case for that argument. As I mentioned above, it is a terrible idea to go into your hunting spot every day with stinky boots. If one buys a de-scenting product, then gets into their car or truck, they will pick up what ever scent is in the vehicle. Wood Smoke by: Tater I have to agree with the rest of the hunters. Any strange smell could alarm deer. Cigarette smoke, on the other hand, does not have the same smell as a … Smoke is a natural occurrence that deer likely encounter in their lifetimes.