But wait a minute, hadn’t David already married other women such as Michal and Ahinoam? Instead of hiding or cowering, Abigail moved forward, towards the danger, knowing that God was surely with her. Remember, God will fight for you. Formerly the wife of Nabal of Carmel, and afterwards of David. Abigail fought to protect her husband and her house. Abigail had the courage and strength to shoulder the blame for something she didn’t do. This commentary describes this as, “David was carried away by the corrupt custom of those times.”. “When the Lord has done for my master every good thing he promised concerning him and has appointed him leader over Israel, my master will not have on his conscience the staggering burden of needless bloodshed or of having avenged himself. Patriarchs also appear to have multiple concubines in addition to their wives. Copyright © 2020, iBelieve.com. And what else do we know about Abigail? David showed honor to Abigail by taking care of her, and the Lord faithfully provided for her and all her household, because of the courage and wisdom she portrayed. The woman was intelligent and beautiful, but the man, a Calebite, was harsh and evil in his dealings. ... “Abigail can take the initiative without her husband’s consent. Apart from the 1 Samuel passage above, we don’t find much about Abigail except a listing in Chronicles 3:1. “David said to Abigail, “Praise be to the Lord, … She didn’t just sit around and blame her husband or remain stuck in fear. Abigail stands out for a number of reasons. After all, most people in the Bible who marry more than one wife have great familial troubles as a consequence of this action (take, for instance, Jacob married two wives and all the drama that happens because of that). without becoming difficult yourself! Abigail knew her words and actions were powerful and carefully thought through each and every one. 1 Samuel 25:32 "Then David said to Abigail: “Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, who sent you this day to meet me! When Abigail told him what had … 1 And Samuel died; and all the Israelites were gathered together, and lamented him, and buried him in his house at Ramah. He had a thousand goats and three thousand sheep, which he was shearing in Carmel. We don’t get to hear about too many female figures in the Bible, and although we may have heard the name “Abigail” widely used in today’s vernacular, we may not know much about Abigail’s story in the Bible. So when David sent a word of kindness to Nabal, asking him for a simple act of hospitality for his men (which was common in this culture and time), imagine his anger when this hard-hearted man responded with such rudeness and contempt. Of the seven women being reviewed, she is the one most people are less likely to know. If two become one, it complicates things when you add additional wives or husbands to that formula. We also do have to keep in mind that during the Old Testament times, women were seen more as property than humans [cultural views, not God’s] and that marriage would give them security, as we see from this article. … Samuel the prophet had just died, and David and his men had traveled down into the Desert of Maon. This seems to indicate she had some prophetic giftings of some sort. 2. The wife of a rich man when she met David, Abigail possessed beauty, intelligence, political shrewdness, and material wealth that helped David at a critical moment when he could have thrown away his chance at success. Nevertheless, as stated in the Bible Study Tools article linked above, God “resets the clock” in the New Testament and Jesus’ teachings on marriage clearly show that God desires a marriage union between one man and one woman (Matthew 19). The passage confirms this when she predicts David will be king over Israel. Instead of wallowing in self-pity and defeat over her circumstance, she acted courageously and used great wisdom when faced with a threatening scenario. “When Abigail saw David, she quickly got off her donkey and bowed down before David with her face to the ground. Article Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Even Solomon, who seems to stand out from his brothers who rape and try to usurp David, falls into depravity and has 1000 wives and concubines. Bible describes as “very great” in reference to his wealth and possessions. And David arose, and went down to the wilderness of Paran. Nabal answered David’s servants, “Who is this David? You are never alone. Did Paul Teach That 'Money Is the Root of All Evil'? Get Your Copy “Please forgive your servant’s offense, for the Lord will certainly make a lasting dynasty for my master, because he fights the Lord’s battles. When the Bible uses the term nabal, it “designates not a harmless simpleton, but rather a vicious, materialistic, and egocentric misfit” (Levenson, “1 Samuel,” p.13). The Bible describes Abigail as being “an intelligent and beautiful woman,” but sadly, her marriage was hard (1 Samuel 25:3). Every time a new girl came into her class whom no one would accept, Abigail made the unwanted girl wanted in her group. Does this mean that the Bible allows for polygamy? Upon receiving information of Nabal's ingratitude to David, 1 Samuel 25:14, she loaded several asses with provisions, and attended by some of here domestics went out to meet him.Her manners and conversation gained for her his esteem, and as soon as the days of mourning for Nabal's death, which happened soon afterwards, were over, … More than you might think: Abigail’s story is told in 1 Samuel 25, at the time when Saul was king. Excerpted with permission from Wicked Women of the Bible by Ann Spangler, copyright Zondervan. They had protected them when the servants had cared for their sheep out in the desert, and they were faithful to never take anything from them. Her character shows us that women of God can be humble, wise, and diplomatic. Often in life, it’s not the easiest of times, but the hardest that can bring out the best in people. Keep pressing forward, there is good and blessing still in store. She acted with humility and compassion. She asked for a chance to speak and right the wrong. 2 And there was a man in Maon, whose possessions were in Carmel; and the man was very great, an… 5 Things All Women Can Learn from Abigail in the Bible, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. She sought to make peace with the very one her own husband had angered. By her quick wisdom and generosity she not only saved her entire family from death, but was miraculously delivered from an evil husband, and given a Godly husband in his place. We never have to stay stuck in fear or defeat, thinking that our situation will never change. Abigail is a traditionally feminine name. Through her good judgment, and choosing to act humbly and bravely, God showed Himself strong on her behalf, saving David from going to battle, and rescuing Abigail and her servants from the evil of Nabal. Abigail dealt with her unhappy marriage by conducting herself with respect, avoiding confrontation with her husband, and speaking persuasively. The Bible doesn’t say whether she prayed about the situation, but in verses 26-31 Abigail refers to the LORD at least seven times. Nabal was a very wealthy man but is also described as “surly and mean in his dealings” (1 Samuel 25:3). The name Abigail means “cause of joy.” The Scriptures don’t say why Abigail—a beautiful, joyful woman—would marry a foolish brute like Nabal. To say she married into a toxic situation would likely be an understatement. Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation, putting yourself at risk in some way in order to be a peacemaker? Because of these qualities, she was a true The passage in 1 Samuel 25 makes it clear he also married Ahinoam, and married others along the way. 25:36. Abigail betrays Nabal Meanwhile, a young man in Nabal’s household goes privately to Nabal’s wife Abigail and tells her what is going on. Nabal dies at the hands of the Lord a few days later, and David marries Abigail. Perhaps that is why Abigail raised no objections to the fact that David had eight wives in all. The main story of Abigail is found in 1 Samuel 25. We meet her married to a rather horrible man who refuses to provide David food and shelter when David is on the run from Saul (1 Samuel 25). Now the name of the man [was] Nabal; and the name of his wife Abigail: and [she was] a woman of good understanding, and of a beautiful countenance: but the man [was] churlish and evil in his doings; and he [was] of the house of Caleb. Holman Christian Standard Bible Their protection gave them the ability to finish their work and to prosper from their business dealings. She took control of the situation that was potentially dangerous for them all. She looked beyond herself. Despite his lack of judgement, Nabal’s household seemed to do all they could to keep him, and themselves, out of the trouble he initiated. Why should I take my bread and water, and the meat I have slaughtered for my shearers, and give it to men coming from who knows where?" Meanwhile, Nabal knew nothing of this. And this article describes her as a woman of “beauty and brains.” David is, of course, taken by her good looks, but she advises him not to take rash actions, even after he vowed to kill Nabal and Nabal’s family after Nabal insults him. Abigail's name means 'father rejoices' whereas Nabal means 'fool' (1 Samuel 25:2-3, 25). She was not thinking only of herself, but of all those she loved. If men were allowed to take multiple wives, they could satisfy various desires without divorce. No longer a child, not yet a woman, Abigail—compassionate, caring, committed, a friend of friends. What Did God Mean When He Said 'Behold I Am Doing a New Thing' in Isaiah 43:19? Or why did God allow him to do it? But still, she chose to do the right thing. She chose wisely to act alone, without Nabal knowing. It was customary at shee… But we see quick reasoning and sound judgment in her character, for she knew just what to do. Because of his drunkenness that evening, she waited till daybreak to share the whole story. The story of Abigail in the Bible is an interesting one for many reasons. Find her also on Twitter and at her blog www.debbiemcdaniel.com. Abigail definitely belongs in this study of great women of the Bible. Abigail also tells David not to slay Nabal because God would do the vengeance if only David would wait on the Lord. He says that since David’s followers have refrained from attacking the shepherds or stealing their flocks, Nabal ought to pay for the favour. Join her each morning on Fresh Day Ahead's Facebook page, for daily encouragement in living strong, free, hope-filled lives. Even though someone is pursuing you to take your life, the life of my master will be bound securely in the bundle of the living by the Lord your God. God’s word tells us in chapter 25 that David and his 600 men had shown great kindness to Nabal and his workers. Abigail stands out for a number of reasons. by Adele Berlin. She is described as intelligent and beautiful while Nabal was rich, mean and surly in his dealings. Abigail’s life was a powerful reflection of this very truth. She was not afraid to act quickly: One of the servants told Nabal’s wife Abigail: “David sent messengers from the desert to give our master his greetings, but he hurled insults at them. After all, their neighbors had multiple wives, why not them? (1 Samuel 25:10-11), David said to his men, “Put on your swords!” So they put on their swords, and David put on his. But this doesn’t mean he didn’t marry other women in addition to Abigail. With Scripture memory, daily study, and group discussion questions, this resource is ideal for both individual and group study. Abigail. No matter how difficult or threatening the situation, God’s power within us is greater than we can ever fully see or comprehend. and a graduate of Taylor University's professional writing program. Article Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Her husband is just the opposite: mean and churlish. We do know from one other reference in 1 Chronicles 3 that Abigail was the mother of David’s son named Daniel. It worked. Question: "Who was Nabal in the Bible?" Abigail was “an intelligent and beautiful woman” ( 1 Samuel 25:3) who saved her husband and his household, prevented David from doing something rash, and secured an unexpected future for herself. She initiates a potentially dangerous meeting with David and speaks with great diplomacy and insight. She was loyal and honored God and her family in all she did. Already she appears to be from a different breed and degree than Nabal. God used Abigail to help David and encourage him with her prophetic words. Abigail was David's second wife, after Saul and Ahinoam's daughter, Michal, whom Saul later married to Palti, son of Laish when David went into hiding. 1 Samuel 25. 21 Again showing both courage and discretion, she waited until the next morning when the influence of the wine had ebbed. She is the embodiment of Matthew 10:16. About four hundred men went up with David, while two hundred stayed with the supplies.” (1 Samuel 25:13). Abigail was admittedly a beautiful woman. For one, Nabal is a rather bizarre character. Abigail stands out for a number of reasons. Now think it over and see what you can do, because disaster is hanging over our master and his whole household. But God is always with us, leading us with His Spirit of wisdom and discernment, pouring out His strength and grace, reminding us that He is the greatest power propelling us onward. Instead, Nabal, Abigail’s then-husband, hurls insults at David. May you be blessed for your good judgment and for keeping me from bloodshed this day and from avenging myself with my own hands.” (1 Samuel 25:32-33). As God worked through Abigail and spared the lives of her entire household, she used timely wisdom in telling Nabal what had happened. Abigail in the Bible put her life at risk and threw herself prostrate before him, reminding David of his role as the anointed king and asking for mercy. She sent food and her servants up ahead. The banquet Nabal throws himself, and the amount of food Abigail sends David seems to confirm this. So when we ask ourselves, what does it mean to “be wise as serpents and innocent as doves?” we must look no further than Abigail in the Bible. All to say, we don’t know if Abigail approved of David’s taking on multiple wives. Let no wrongdoing be found in you as long as you live. God took care of Abigail and the story goes on to say that when David learned that Nabal had died, he sent word to her, asking her to be his wife. Abigail was a remarkable woman with beauty and brains. He did not leave her on her own, but gave her great favor in the sight of David. Did Mary and Joseph Really Stay in a Cave? Abigail is the consummate mediator, effectively brokering peace in the midst of a perilous situation. Abigail, in the Old Testament, the wife of Nabal of southern Judah, on whose death she became one of the first wives of David (1 Samuel 25) and the mother of his son Chileab. Abigail: Bible. Keep following His lead, press in close to His presence. What a match! She understood that the bigger picture of this story was much more significant than that one moment, so she reminded David of how important it was that God was building greatness in his life, that the Lord Himself was fighting for David. . Maybe your story is very different from Abigail’s, yet you’re still feeling like your future is troubled or threatened; possibly by illness, loss, uncertainty, or by difficult relationships, or a toxic environment. 1. She is only mentioned in the Book of … What Is the Meaning of Lazarus and the Rich Man? Abigail’s story reminds us again that God sees the heart, and He works powerfully on behalf of those who choose to follow Him. All rights reserved. So, does Scripture allow polygamy? — 1 Sam. He was feasting like a king and was as drunk as could be. As a woman of beauty and brains, she counsels David, prophesies his kingship, and becomes one of his wives who is actually named. Abigail courageously told Nabal what she had done to save his life. But the lives of your enemies he will hurl away as from the pocket of a sling.” (1 Samuel 25:28-29). Abigail Genealogical Spouse NabalDavid Offspring Daniel Political Social class Upper ClassRoyal Occupation Co-Queen Consort of David Cultural Nationality Israelite Ethnicity Hebrew Religion Yahwism Spoke Hebrew Race Semite Appearance Beautiful Abigail (literally named "her father's joy") was the second wife of King David of Israel in the Bible's Old Testament. We can chalk up polygamy in the Bible as men engaging in a corrupt cultural practice that was, essentially, “okay” in their eyes at the time. She is mentioned a few other times in scripture, but not with as much detail as is found in this main chapter. Nabal was from the clan of Caleb, and his name means “fool”—a fact that suggests Nabal may have been a nickname he earned by his “harsh and evil” behavior (verse 3, BSB). Abigail showed great wisdom in acting quickly, swiftly, and speaking honorably to David. We’ll dive into all these questions and more. We do know that David had lost his wife Michal before this to childbirth. Find out more about her at her website. The second of five precious children, song of her father’s heart, light of her mother’s soul. All through David’s life, God fought for him, His beloved, and that very God was fighting for Abigail too. Christianity.com is a member of the Salem Web Network of sites including: Copyright © 2020, Christianity.com. 2 Samuel 17:25 refers to Abigail as a sister of Zeruiah, and therefore an aunt to Joab. Abigail L. 14. She has worked for various publishing companies, magazines, newspapers, and literary agencies and has edited the work of authors such as Jerry B. Jenkins and Michelle Medlock Adams. Debbie McDaniel is a writer, pastor's wife, mom to three amazing kids (and a lot of pets). Christian Standard Bible The man's name was Nabal, and his wife's name, Abigail. Hope Bolinger is a literary agent at C.Y.L.E. But her character shows us that women of God can be humble, wise, and diplomatic. Who is this son of Jesse? And the Bible says, “his wife told him all these things, and his heart failed him and he became like a stone. Because of her faith, Abigail™s beauty is seen in her sunny disposition and cheerful pres-ence and her ability to quiet the irritated and angry. The name Abigail was also borne by David’s sister (1 Chronicles 2:16), who was the mother of Amasa, commander of the army of Absalom. He is further ... Abigail is described as an “intelligent and beautiful” woman. The story of Abigail and David ranks almost as exciting and deceitful as that of David and his most famous wife, Bathsheba. 33 May you be blessed for your good judgment and for keeping me from bloodshed this day and from avenging myself with my own hands. She was the mother of Amasa, the commander-in-chief of Absalom 's army (2 Samuel 17:25). And when the Lord has brought my master success, remember your servant.” (1 Samuel 25:30-31). Blessing Those Who Hate Us—the Boldest Blessing Imaginable, 4 Reflections for a Sacred Christmas in a Dark World, 3 Reasons the 'Christmas Star' of 2020 Is Bringing So Much Hope, 10 Ways Satan Wants You to Respond to the Coronavirus, 10 Old Fashioned Christmas Activities You Should Try This Year, 15 Christian Movies You Can Watch on Netflix in 2020, Hallmark Christmas Movies: 5 Reasons to Be Careful, 7 Ways Satan Has Gone to War during COVID-19, 10 Hymns with Messages for Christians in Times of Crisis, 7 Signs Satan Is Messing with Your Mindset. . Be assured my friend, God knows your way, and He understands the burdens you carry. If we take one look at what happens to David’s sons, we can get a good idea of the dissolving family dynamic the Davidic dynasty had. Of Abigail’s history, we only know that she came from Carmel. They did not mistreat us, and the whole times we were out in the fields near them nothing was missing. So, if Abigail abounded with wisdom and beauty, why did David marry more than one woman. And with wisdom and discernment, she asked David for only one thing at the end of her plea, that when God brought him success, he would remember her. Then David moved down into the Desert of Paran[2 A certain man in Maon, who had property there at Carmel, was very wealthy. Abigail was certainly a woman of integrity and destiny along with many other women we read about in the Bible who God used in extraordinary ways – Esther, Deborah, Hannah, Mary, to name just a few. Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/SIphotography. Yet these men were very good to us. She had obviously heard of David’s stories—that Saul had pursued his life, that David had used a sling to kill a giant—and spoke in such a way to bring him back to God’s bigger picture. ... Bible Odyssey has been made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this … 1. And as she came riding her donkey towards David and his men, she met him with honor and respect for how he had cared for her people. Theirs was an unequal match—perhaps an arranged marriage in which Abigail had little to say. See how the empowerment of the Holy Spirit can help you deal with difficult people . What can we learn from Abigail’s story all these years later? He was getting drunk while hoarding all of his resources. And doing so saved her household. As a woman of beauty and brains, she counsels David, prophesies his kingship, and becomes one of his wives who is actually named. Abigail is the story of an astute woman who used her wits to save her household. From the former (self-styled “handmaid”; Night and day they were a wall around us all the times we were herding our sheep near them. God wants us to do remarkable things for Him in our day and generation! At a time when dangers in the desert lurked all around, this was a huge blessing from David to Nabal and his family. It comes from Hebrew and the Bible and means "brings joy" or "father's joy." Abigail ( Hebrew: אביגיל ‎, romanized : Avigayil) is a character in the Hebrew Bible. Samuel-1 25:14 Her control of household affairs, and the servant’s loyalty to her, are such that Nabal does not even know of her activities until she chooses to tell him the next morning…she can … * * * Your Turn. Nabal’s servants must have immediately feared for their lives, and one of those servants knew exactly where to run for help: to Nabal’s wife, Abigail. Her modern-day Daniel trilogy released its first two installments with IlluminateYA, and the final one, Vision, releases in August of 2021. More than 1,000 of her works have been featured in various publications ranging from Writer's Digest to Keys for Kids. 3 His name was Nabal and his wife’s name was Abigail() She … Scripture presents her as a beautiful, intelligent woman whose lot in life is one of being married to a rich fool. About ten days later, the Lord struck Nabal and he died” (1 Samuel 25:37-38). 1 Samuel 25:1 Meaning 2. 1. She begged forgiveness on behalf of her entire household, and God used that moment to show David how wrong it would be to take revenge in his own way and kill these innocent servants. 25 Now Samuel died, and all Israel assembled and mourned for him; and they buried him at his home in Ramah. She knew that if she could win David’s favor in this situation, her workers and family would be spared. He is fighting for you right now, even when it’s hard to see the full, big picture. In this six-week Bible study, journey along with Abigail as she uses her influence in two men's lives—with different results. According to 1 Samuel 25, Abigail is married to Nabal, a wealthy rancher, and she is described as beautiful and intelligent. She became the mother of one of David's sons, who is listed in the Book of Chronicles under the name Daniel, in the Masoretic Text of the Books of Samuel as Chileab, and in the Septuagint text of 2 Samuel 3:3 as Δαλουια, Dalouia. He is such a wicked man that no one can talk to him.” (1 Samuel 25:14-17). One reason explains why Abigail was lovely inwardly: her faith! We should also note that the examples of families with multiple spouses always seem to have massive drama or tragedy. Commentators suggest such might be the case because Nabal was very rich (1 Samuel 25:2). The differences are set in stone and the story begins to But does David show the exception to polygamy? Please let your servant speak to you, hear what your servant his to say…” (1 Samuel 25:23-24). She could not tell him now though. Answer: Nabal is noteworthy for the brief interaction he had with David while David was on the run from King Saul.The account of David and Nabal is found in 1 Samuel 25. All rights reserved. Is it Important to Remember John the Baptist at Christmas? Many servants are breaking away from their masters these days. Abigail was incredibly faithful in her words, her actions, and in her demonstration of love for the servants. She chose to show great respect towards David, reminding him that God would bring to his life blessing and every good thing He had already promised. Here, Abigail sends loads of food to David and asks him not to do anything rash in regard to Nabal. David, Nabal and Abigail. Abigail’s name, on the other hand, is made up of the units ’ăbî and gāîl meaning “my father’s joy.” The ensuing events of the story contrast her intelligence and benevolence with her husband’s consistent folly. Your story is not over yet, He is bringing greater beauty and strength through every hard moment. Abigail is the wife of Nabal the Calebite from Carmel and later becomes the second wife of David. We also learn she hails from the land of Carmel, a land otherwise known as “God’s vineyard.” This means she would’ve come from a decent amount of wealth. He recognized his pride and relented, thanking her for keeping him from bloodshed and vengeance. She fell at his feet and said: “My lord, let the blame be on me alone. INTRODUCTION Abigail was the wife of Nabal. Abigail was the wife of Nabal; she became a wife of the future King David after Nabal's death. 17 Verses About Abigail from 3 Books Samuel-1 25:3. He is faithful to give you grace for each day, and power to walk through the most difficult of times. Does David mark as the exception to having more than one wife, or does he encounter consequences for doing so? A foolish hushband Abigail's intelligence and discernment saved her family from destruction (1 Samuel 25). Abigail was a smart, strong, young woman who helped her husband by going against his wishes. She is also the co-author of the Dear Hero duology, which was published by INtense Publications. But it is also important to note that Nabal’s name, meaning “fool”, is specifically referenced. 3. These women did remarkable things in their day and generation. Abigail from the Bible, was the wife of, Nabal, a very wicked man, who thought only of himself. It was there the conflict began. Hope Bolinger Contributing Writer. This was a pivotal moment for Abigail, because she had no idea how David would respond. As we are faithful to His word and His leadership, God can do in just a moment what may take years to work through by ourselves. And in a few of those instances, we see her deep faith in God’s purpose and plans for David, and so she reminded him of God’s hand in his life. Her character shows us that women of God can be humble, wise, and diplomatic. She was also a beautiful person inwardly. He is able to use any of us, even those who feel insignificant or powerless, for His greater good. God is able to carry you straight through. God fought for Abigail, just as He so faithfully fights for us still today. Abigail - Women of the Bible. “David said to Abigail, “Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, who has sent you today to meet me. As a woman of limited options and say, she may have gone with it or not realized the cultural tacit ate away at not only her marriage but their family. Scripture makes it clear that by the time of Malachi God shows he desires a monogamous union. 32 David said to Abigail, “Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, who has sent you today to meet me. Often when we are faced with difficult battles or hard struggles, we may feel like we’ve been left on our own. If men were intent on objectifying and abusing women, God determined to put a few safety measures in place. In the Chronicles verse, we learn that she has a son named Daniel (not the one taken into captivity by the Babylonians). Mcdaniel is a writer, pastor 's wife, mom to three amazing kids and! Ever found yourself in a Cave hundred men went up with David, while two stayed! What did God allow him to do it what she had no how. In Chronicles 3:1 therefore an aunt to Joab, we don ’ t find much about Abigail from the allows! Abigail and David arose, and speaking abigail from the bible to David theirs was an match—perhaps... 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