Bologna again submitted to Julius II and the cities of Parma, Reggio, and Piacenza were added to the Ecclesiastical States. But Giuliano's distrust of Alexander remained. In 1492 Innocent VIII died, and Cardinal della Rovere was considered Innocent's logical successor. However it … 4 For portraits of Pope Julius II, see R. Weiss, "The Medals of Pope Julius II (1503-1513)," Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, xxvllI, 1965, 163-82. He succeeded in reducing Todi and Spoleto, but for the subjugation of Città di Castello he needed the assistance of Duke Federigo of Urbino. Asked by Wiki User 5 6 7 Answer Top Answer Wiki User Answered 2011-09-08 19:17:45 2011-09-08 19:17:45 Pope Julius II … It was the shortest conclave in the history of the papacy. 216 th Pontiff (1503-1513). ANTROBUS, The History of the Popes from the close of the Middle Ages, VI (St. Louis, 1898), 208-607; CREIGHTON, History of the Papacy during the Period of the Reformation, IV (London, 1887), 54-176; BROSCH, Papst Julius Il und die Grounding des Kirchenstaates (Gotha, 1878); DUSMENIL, Histoire de Jules II, sa vie et son pontificat (Paris, 1873) KLACZKO, Rome et la Renaissance, Essais et Esquisees, Jules II (2nd ed., Paris, 1902); GEBHART, Jules II (Paris, 1904); HEFELE, Conciliengesch., VIII (Freiburg, 1887), 395-588); LOUGHLIN, Cardinal Giuliano della Rovere in American Catholic Quarterly Review, XXV (Philadelphia, 1900), 138-47, treats only of his cardinalate up to 1492; WICKHOFF, Die B ibliothek Jul ius' II in Jahrbuch der preussischen Kunstsammlungen, XIV (Berlin, 1893), 49-65; PARIS DE GRASSIS, Diarium, ed. xxx "Julius II., as we have seen, innovated in Some of the cardinals were displeased with the pope's anti-French policy, and five of them went so far as to convoke a schismatic council at Pisa on 1 September. Pope Julius II would name Paul bishop of Parma in 1509. Julius II (Giuliano della Rovere, b. Julius II was now again supreme temporal master over the entire Pontifical States, but his national pride extended beyond the Patrimony of St. Peter. Unable to cope alone with the powerful Republic of Venice, he reluctantly joined the League of Cambrai on 23 March, 1509. For the accomplishment of this task no pope was ever better suited than Julius, whom nature and circumstances had hewn out for a soldier. Julius II has also gained an enviable reputation as a patron of arts. He held the episcopal sees of Carpentras (1471-2), Lausanne (1472-6), Catania (1473-4), Coutances (1476-7), Mende (1478-83), Viviers (1477-9), Sabina (1479-83), Bologna (1483-1502), Ostia (1483-1503), Lodève (1488-9), Savona (1499-1502), Vercelli (1502-3), and the Archiepiscopal See of Avignon (1474-1503). This League had been formed by Emperor Maximilian I and Louis XII of France chiefly with the purpose of forcing Venice to restore its recent continental conquests to their original owners. When Julius II died Michelangelo was forced to complete it on a much smaller scale.-He commissioned Michelangelo and with his fascination of the human body he created David, which Julius II really liked, because he was a humanist as well. to settle the quarrel concerning the Burgundian inheritance between Louis XI and Maximilian of Austria, to obtain the help of France against the Turks, and to effect the liberation of Cardinal Balue whom Louis XI had held in strict custody since 1469 on account of treasonable acts. The chief task of his pontificate he saw in the firm establishment and the extension of the temporal power. 44-60, 278-305). Unable to cope alone with the powerful Republic of Venice, he reluctantly joined the League of Cambrai on 23 March, 1509. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. Julius II, born Giuliano della Rovere, Roman Catholic Pope from the 1st of November 1503 to the 21st of February 1513, was born at Savona in 1443. It was during this sickness of Julius II that Emperor Maximilian conceived the fantastic plan of uniting the tiara with the imperial crown on his own head (see Schulte, "Kaiser Maximilian als Kandidat für den papstlichen Stuhl", Leipzig, 1906; and Naegle, "Hat Kaiser Maximilian I in Jahre 1507 Papst werden wollen" in "Historisches Jahrbuch", XXVIII, Munich, 1907, pp. Under the leadership of the brilliant Gaston de Foix the French were at first successful, but after his death they had to yield to the superior forces of the League, and, being defeated in the bloody battle of Ravenna on 11 April, 1512, they were driven beyond the Alps. It was during this sickness of Julius II that Emperor Maximilian conceived the fantastic plan of uniting the tiara with the imperial crown on his own head (see Schulte, "Kaiser Maximilian als Kandidat für den papstlichen Stuhl", Leipzig, 1906; and Naegle, "Hat Kaiser Maximilian I in Jahre 1507 Papst werden wollen" in "Historisches Jahrbuch", XXVIII, Munich, 1907, pp. Even though Pope Julius II was only Pope for ten years between 1503 to 1513, it is still incredible to see the influence that his papacy still has in the Vatican today. Cesare Borgia refused and was arrested by the pope's order. Pope Julius II. Pope Julius II 216 th Pontiff (1503-1513) The Romans proclaimed that if Pope Julius II had not been a great pope, he had been a good king. However, he was not laid there, and the 'Tomb of Julius II', finished long after his death, was instead placed in the church of San Pietro in Vincoli, where the pope first became a cardinal. In 1505, shortly after the David was placed at the main entrance to the Palazzo Vecchio, Michelangelo was called to Rome by Pope Julius II . France controlled several important cities in northern Italy, among them Florence and Pavia… 1513, pope 1503–1513) is best known as the “warrior pope” who used warfare to accomplish his ends of gaining control of the Papal States after the alienation of sections to Cesare Borgia, the incursions and …