Bring your birth chart if you can. As our bodies enter higher frequencies there is a longing for alone time. ... You see, in order to step into our North Node’s gift of spiritual destiny, we must be willing to shed the comfort of the South Node’s legacy behind. Oct 29, 2020. For almost twenty years, Juliana McCarthy has been studying and practicing Western Astrology, finding it to be a powerful tool for self-exploration and examining how we relate to others. No signup or install needed. The blueberries are for your protection. ‎Author and Wellness Personality Sahara Rose @IAmSaharaRose is the fresh young voice for the modern spiritual movement, called "a leading voice in the millennial generation into the new paradigm shift" by Deepak Chopra. Part III: GLOBAL PLANS FOR PARADIGM SHIFT -- Page 3 Part IV: MAYA, MATRIX OR HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE -- Page 4 Part V: THE ILLUMINATI|KNOW YOUR ENEMY -- Page 6 Last Edited by MAYAMAGIK on 09/26/2020 03:40 PM They will never be shared. Plus your star families are just waiting for you to reach out to them. It is so easy to get suckered into the passionate views of conspiracy theorists, transparent political agendas and biased broadcasters on the news channels. This will just cause family division at a critical nexus point on the Earth’s timeline where harmony and togetherness are essential. Synergy Circle: Spiritual Wisdom of Meditation. Nina Hansen is the co-founder of Holistic Yoga & Meditation and has walked the spiritual path for over 19 years. Nov 19, 2020 and 299 more episodes by Paradigm Shift Radio, free! However, a parallel paradigm shift began in the 13th century, where kabbalists used terminology of a Divine Body to explain their spiritual ideas. You may or may not have heard the term paradigm shift but either way it is important and undeniably upon us, particularly in the spiritual realm. It has challenged even the best of our coping skills. Home. ), Keep an eye on your inbox for next week's guide to the most remarkable & mystifying cosmic events ahead (& other goodies). Until the paradigm shift officially occurs, we are in a year of major karmic reckoning and purification as we look to all that’s been holding us back from our evolution, both personally and collectively. If you are being triggered by the current global state of affairs then this is an indication that it’s time to illuminate your fears, doubts and insecurities. If you find yourself getting caught up in all the drama and reacting with frustration, overwhelm, grief or anger, remind yourself to count to ten and don’t take it out on your loved ones who may perceive reality differently to you. We are all in this together and can’t do it alone. Nov 19, 2020. You can never fight it right, all you can do is love it right. At the same time, we’re transitioning into an Aquarian Age of egalitarianism, which holds the greatest human potential for society. Nina's profound wisdom and serenity captivates participants at the numerous workshops and retreats she leads. You may not see this new reality with your physical senses yet, but your body, your consciousness, your intuition and your dreams are already actively involved in this new spiritual consciousness that is emerging. Use the link below to exercise this right, and please review our privacy policy for complete information on how your data is used and stored. To Get Your Weekly Cosmic Update, Enter Your Details Below... Each week, we'll send you your guide to the most remarkable and mystifying cosmic events of the week (& other goodies! We’re transforming and rebirthing all structures, systems, governments, and society itself, as we move into a more feminine-ruled age. Rather, it arrives as a way to rise above that darkness. Once we can perceive life from a multi-dimensional, integrative perspective, all illusionary constructs dissolve and we begin to witness the truth which exists just beyond the veil. Doing your inner work has never been so important! W e all want to have an impact. If you are a resident of California, you have the right under the CCPA to opt out of the sale of personal information to third parties. Check out the 7 steps below…. The Paradigm Shift Summit seeks to assist in the creation of a new Earth based on love, peace, compassion, equality, freedom, liberty, knowledge and true wisdom as we make the transition to a higher more elevated level of consciousness. The galactic federation of light can not interfere with your free will if you ask for guidance so spend some time in your inner world reconnecting to the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Andromedans, Cassiopeans and Sirians. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We all want to have an impact. Every year on August 8th, Sirius A, the Earth and the Sun in the sign of Leo, align with the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. 20 Signs Your DNA Is Transforming & You’re Shifting Into Fifth Dimensional Consciousness. Never has our collective mission been so important. Having an awareness of this heavenly energy is who we relate to when we pray and who we resonate with when we think of God. Some of the good guys are Merlin, King Arthur, Yeshua and Archangel Michael. It feels like the waves of the old construct, and those aligning with the New Paradigm of interconnected possibility will diverge more strongly. Take A Digital Detox. [Spiritual] How To Take Part In A Paradigm Shift by Dylan Harper Posted November 10, 2020. Kollectiv is an urban retreat center in Manhattan’s East Village designed to restore your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Sure, its ingredients like blueberry seed oil and blueberry fruit distillate are known for antiaging benefits, and Sabbatical maintains the product helps fight maskne too. Utilize your powers of discernment and objectivity when listening to anyone’s opinions whether that is broadcast on social media or via mainstream channels. The peak on the 8th determines the frequency held for the opening of the Egyptian Stargate. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products. Spiritual Matters » The Paradigm Shifts “The 11 Big Take-Away’s from Spiritual Immersion” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #200 Written by Rosie on November 9, 2020. Listen to Synergy Circle: Spiritual Wisdom Of Meditation. She loves working with people to help them understand their authentic selves—their complexities, gifts, karma, and life paths. Discover How To Answer Your Own Spiritual Call-To-Action, Right Now! So how do we prepare for this very special purpose? This will be felt across the entire globe. The daily practice of ho’oponopono will keep you centered and allow your light to continue to shine brightly. Summer 2020. GET FIRST DIBS ON ALL THINGS ASTRO-NUMERO BEFORE THEY HAPPEN, The Big Questions You Need To Ask Yourself This Week, CRYSTAL HEALING SESSION: CONNECT WITH THE POWER OF JUPITER FOR A DEEPER LEVEL OF JOY, How To Connect With Your Light To Reveal Your Heart’s Desires, Your December 2020 Crystal Forecast: Identify & Release Toxic Patterns, December 2020 – Key Dates That Will Brings You Some Much Needed R&R Time, Calculating Your #1 Core Number: The Life Path Number, Calculating Your #2 Core Number: The Expression Number, Calculating Your #3 Core Number: The Soul Urge Number. ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. Listen to Paradigm Shift Dream Class. ‎Paradigm Shift Radio hosts a variety of shows presented by Paradigm Shift Central created with the intention to help assist and accelerate the shift in consciousness! A strong desire to be alone. We invite you to join us virtually every Wednesday, 7 PM PDT, as a means to keep you safe and to meet local assembly guidelines during the novel coronavirus outbreak. Our spa partners offer kryo therapy (KryoLounge), infrared saunas (HigherDOSE), vitamin IV therapy (NutriDrip), as well as electromagnetic healing, massage and reiki appointments at Kollectiv Spa. The Fifth Spiritual Paradigm: Epoch of Enlightenment Currently, humanity is undergoing the chaos that always accompanies a paradigm shift. o There is Another Linguistic Definition , that’s not really applicable . First, let me share what I don’t mean by the “New Earth.” I am not referring to Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth, or the exploration of a new Earth-like planet, or Jesus’ ascension. It has caused unspeakable loss, harrowing illness, early death. No signup or install needed. A paradigm shift is a transformation in consciousness or a spiritual awakening where we can feel, sense, or know our God Source and the divine energy which is flowing freely through us. No signup or install needed. Our Wednesday, 7 PM, Meditation Service will be Presented Online. A Paradigm Shift for Union Twin Souls Twin Flames Soulmates A Unique Healing Experience at a Distance. Nov 5, 2020. Posted in Podcasts, Spiritual Immersion Therefore, the Lions Gate is a bridge into this incredible solstice alignment. If I start out believing that it is not safe for a woman to backpack alone in Europe and I end up believing that this is perfectly safe, I have made a paradigm shift. Want to know more? We’re finding the courage to face our pain and discomfort so we can help each other out of stagnation, walking through the fires so we can manifest a world that aligns more deeply with our hearts and our inherent care for one another. You can smell them, faintly, in the Blue Wave Cream, one of the products in Sabbatical Beauty’s politics-inspired #WEARAMASK collection. The 2020 paradigm shift and the Age of Aquarius are changing the game by helping humanity move into a more loving state, yet it requires our participation to make better choices and live in more connected and loving ways, to feel happier and more enlightened in our soul. More than a botanical dispensary and a whole plant tonic bar serving elixirs and healthy treats, we are a gateway into a conscious lifestyle and community, through our plant-based products, wellness events and transformational workshops. This releases any misconceptions of disempowerment and projects you into your Divine I-AM presence. Spending too long in front of your computer or on your mobile device exposes you to an excessive amount of electromagnetic energy frequencies which can cause your human bio-field to sync up to artificial wavelengths and hold you captive in a hypnotic trance-like state. The Alchemist's Kitchen is a unique destination in the Bowery. However, those events will all begin to unfold on not only the … The worldwide resurgence of fundamentalism is one indicator, driven by those who fear the upcoming changes, who cling to outdated belief systems, and who fracture along religious, nationalistic, or racial lines. January 27, 2020 June 13, 2020, ENERGY WORK, MANIFESTATION When it comes to manifesting it can sometimes feel like a lot of ‘starting and stopping’ on … Hayden works closely with the Colour Mirrors system to help you achieve the best results in the quickest time. It has plunged countless people around the world into depression, joblessness, and poverty. Get your FREE Colour Mirrors Insights HERE to discover your biggest blockage to living a life full of love, abundance and happiness. It called ascension – a movement towards the light. Our energy will be combined and we will be thrown to upwards to reach spiritual heights. In what seems to be a paradigm shift in Kashmir politics, a large number of local independent candidates in the first District Development Council (DDC) … Harmonic Convergence 2020, A Global Paradigm Shift in the Making. If you ever feel isolated, alone or in-doubt ask your highest and brightest angels and cosmic guides for support and information. This alignment is known as the Lions Gate because the Sun is in Leo and therefore energy is positive, courageous and uplifted. … “It’s Time for a Paradigm Shift” Well Webster has some Definitions of Paradigm o A World View , underlying the Theories and Methodology of a Particular Subject . These suns align on 21st December 2020. She helps facilitate powerful breakthroughs by clearing blockages around physical, spiritual, relationship, and emotional difficulties. CLICK BELOW. The Lions Gate Portal peaked on August 8th, 2020. . 2020 Paradigm Shift As we embark on this journey into 2020 and beyond, we have collectively come through a major paradigm shift for humanity. So don’t believe the truth. In the short run, the COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating. If you can retreat into nature for a while to reconnect to the crystalline grid then just do it and stop making excuses! YOU MAY ALSO ENJOY: 20 Signs Your DNA Is Transforming & You’re Shifting Into Fifth Dimensional Consciousness, Please leave a few comments below to let me know how you are preparing for this much-awaited cosmic paradigm shift on 21st December 2020…. Juliana also practices Energy Healing, using a blend of Reiki and shamanic methods. He gives overwhelmed women permission to explore and rediscover their inner wisdom so they can live life with more joy and purpose. Nov 5, 2020. Join astrologer Juliana McCarthy for a talk on the paradigm shift of 2020, when Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto will form conjunctions in Capricorn for the first time in over two-thousand years. Paradigm Shift Dream Class. 11:00AM EDT 10/26/2020. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Synergy Circle: Spiritual Wisdom of Meditation. What if there was a way to shift to a whole new paradigm of living that didn’t require much effort other than just being yourself and allowing the Universe to take the lead…. Listen to Synergy Circle: Activating Our Potential, Team Panel & Meditation. The shadow side will make itself increasingly evident in its misaligned outlandishness. o A Typical Example or Pattern of Something or Someone . In particular, she finds Astrology to be helpful for major transitions, unexpected life changes, and for better understanding relationships—romantic and otherwise. There is a massive download of Galactic Grid energetics coming in from the Sirian portal, our Sun and the Grand Central Sun. Ticket will include 10% off at the cafe and 15% off Kollectiv Spa services (not including NutriDrip and HigherDOSE). The Spiritual Seeds Planner is designed to plan your weekly activities. Mysticism & Astrology . CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. Nov 11, 2020. Radiate love and compassion throughout all of the new situations you may be presented with during this time. What Is A Natal Chart & What Does Your Astrological Birthdate Say About You? We all want to induce positive change outwardly. Your birth details help us personalize your experience and content. The New Spiritual Consciousness - An Emerging Paradigm Shift. What if God created your Vision Board? Synergy Circle: Activating our Potential, Team Panel & Meditation. Nina's spiritual dedication and loving nature can be … Customized to your exact birth date and name, this personalized numerology report will shed light on your core numbers and life purpose. This year the window remains open from August 3rd – August 12th and a new galactic gateway or Stargate opens up on August 13th over Egypt. Seek out a gifted Wellness Coach to take you through a guided journey of spiritual and emotional release. WANT YOUR COSMIC GUIDE DIRECT TO YOUR INBOX? Remember that to activate Unity consciousness we must fall out of judgment on who’s right and who’s wrong. Hayden is the Founder of Dreemtime Academy, Spiritual Teacher, Wellness Coach and Colour Therapist. We’ll examine the meaning of these conjunctions when they fall in a particular house in our personal chart. You may or may not have heard the term paradigm shift but either way it is important and undeniably upon us, particularly in the spiritual realm. The goddess asteroids are playing a large role in eliciting our wrathful compassion and even discord in order to restore justice, pushing us from self-serving priorities toward thinking more of the collective. Synergy Circle: Activating our Potential, Team Panel & Meditation. A whole new world and a whole new way of existing can open up for you when you surrender … All of life is welcoming you into a new reality, which is unfolding and emerging right before your eyes. Instant Guidance! At this point, you begin to realize that you cannot become your … The Paradigm Shift of 2020. updated on August 12, 2020 July 4, 2020. This week the theme is “The Paradigm Shift” and is being presented using Zoom teleconferencing by Licensed Practitioner Nancy Ashley. I do mean humanity’s awakening and spiritual ascension that many may refer to as the paradigm shift and the awakening to the fifth dimension (or the New Earth). This 2-Step Shadow Integration Method Will Help You Heal The Fragments Hiding In Your Subconscious, 11 Signs You’re a Lightworker (And How to Amplify your Impact). These alignments influence the collective consciousness. We are headed into what I would consider incredible times! 2020 does not come as a fix to the darkness around or in us. Discover How To Answer Your Own Spiritual Call-To-Action, Right Now! These physical descriptions of G-d are also part of modern Judaism, from Uncle Moishe to Anim Zemirot. Nov 5, 2020 and 299 more episodes by Paradigm Shift Radio, free! Your Paradigm… Explore more inspirational conscious media at ... JUL 8, 2020; Synergy Circle: Spiritual Wisdom of the Divine Feminine. I use a specific method based on Healing and Divine Connection through the Universe, Reiki Energy, Divine Plan, and Shamanism I am a High Priestess, Shaman and Reiki Master Teacher experienced in Energy work in Person or at a Distance. Paradigm shift 2020. You Want to Give Up Harmful Habits. It’s upper level is home to a plant-based cafe and a Herbal dispensary/herbal pharmacy (The Alchemist’s Kitchen), while its lower level hosts the most advanced healing modalities in the wellness arena.