The only one different in the list is 208v. Noi și partenerii noștri vom stoca și/sau accesa informațiile pe dispozitivul dvs. I'm a bit skeptical 1-phase 120v/240v is even real. Yahoo face parte din Verizon Media. So if you are doing some home DIY, you should opt for the 240v version of the power tool. But what does that mean? The normal 120V designed machinery does not care which live wire you use for them as long as you connect them between a live and neutral wire. Appliances in the home can be distributed on either live wire to maintain balanced loading, and when heating requires high power, the concerned appliance can be connected to both live wires to operate the heating element, providing 240V for it. In NA the utility companies are required to deliver split phase 240VAC for residential use. Transformer ratios are designed to provide 120V leg-to-neutral voltages. And before I go any further, take a minute to consider current. That is, there is a 120 degree phase shift between each live wire's waveform, 360 degrees being one full cycle. Current is a measure of electron flow. A well-planned office or factory takes advantage of both voltages. prin intermediul modulelor cookie și al tehnologiilor similare pentru a afișa reclame și elemente de conținut personalizate, cu scopul de a măsura reclamele și elementele de conținut, de a obține statistici privind publicul și pentru a dezvolta produse. It is not safe to feed this high voltage directly into households. Each live wire reads 120V against the neutral point, and between any pair of live wires, you get the reading of 208V. 2 - How is it possible for this output to be single phase? As far as I understand it: 240v is the actual UK mains voltage. In these cases, one or more of full three phase stepdown transformers are used to feed power to the building. 208V is what you get from 240V power in a 3-phase “Wye” system. Aflați mai multe despre modul în care folosim informațiile dvs. If so, wouldn't three phase just be 360v? Both would be phase-phase voltages and the only discernible difference would the 32V difference. Measuring potential between blue and yellow phase: ∆ = 0v at point A and D ∆ = 208v (104v + 104v) at point C Yes it is the same. 277/480 volts is brought in as the primary power and then "piped" out to the warehouse to be used for motors and machinery, and to be connected to a 120/208 volt 3-phase 4-wire wye transformer. As an alternative to the step-up transformer, you can opt to use the Break-Before-Make (BBM) maintenance bypass switch. Could this explain where the 208v comes from? Any appliance that is rated for 240 volts and can also be used on a 220V or 208V outlet. Source: The net result is the voltage between them is 240 volts RMS. Also to know is, whats the difference between 208v and 240v? 120/208 Volts is used in large apartment and condominium buildings. Likewise, can I use 208v instead of 240v? That lets you get 120V between any phase leg and neutral and 208V between any two phase legs. If you live in a house, Then you have 240V. At 60Hz, the motor will run at 20% higher speed than it would at 50Hz , … That lets you get 120V between any phase leg and neutral and 208V between any two phase legs. This will greatly shorten their life span and may cause fire hazard. These transformers have three primary windings, each wired between two of the transmission wires, in a triangular fashion. Newer installations (post mid 60's) are the more common 120/208 Wye systems. If 208V is a service voltage option, then 240V is the other option. So, in summary, with 208V split phase circuits, the boat is getting what looks and acts like a single phase, center tapped shore power circuit. Informații despre dispozitivul dvs. Then, each home in the building is fed with two or three of these live wires as well as the neutral. So what gives? Think of voltage as pressure. All phases are 120V to ground and 208V between them. Does each conductor carry the full voltage? A product’s voltage rating doesn’t indicate how much power it uses. Wattage load of 2400. Appliances can be distributed on different live wires, and heating elements will be connected between two live wires. The nominal voltage is 240 volt, but homes may have 208V, 220V, or 240V power supply. 120V: First off, the standard household voltage in North America is 120V AC, 60Hz. What is the difference between 208, 220, 230, and 240 VAC systems? Because of the phase angle difference between the phases, only 208V … Most appliances are designed for this. Now, mostly the differences the customer is concerned with, are just that appliances with 240V designed elements will produce 25% less heat on a 208V … 277V I guess is for motors and maybe lighting as well. 208V is what you get from 240V power in a 3-phase “Wye” system. Isn't household 240 just two 120 phases, making 240V two-phase? 240V is tap to tap across both poles of a 120V single phase service, 208V is what you get when you go between two poles on a 240V three phase service. Here is a clear and simple explanation of understanding the differences between 120v single phase, 240v Split Phase, and 208v 3-phase from Academy Fellow Keinokuorma: There have been multiple threads discussing this electrical topic. There can be some variations in the voltage depending on the load and condition of the network. Last time I took a math class 120 + 120 did not equal 208! Wouldn't it be two-phase since it uses two lines (two phases)? It's used in some 3 phase deployments. February 28, 2013. Be aware that mismatching a 208V designed device into a 240V system will cause the element(s) to produce 33% more heat than they are designed for. Answer In NA, the terms 220V, 230V, and 240V all refer to the same system voltage level. First thing to find out is if you have single phase (two hot lines) or 3 phase (three hot lines). Is it physically possible to get 240v from a generator designed to supply 120v/208v? 208V is what you get from 240V power in a 3-phase “Wye” system. Explanation of 120v single phase, 240v Split Phase, and 208v 3-phase, How the Samurai Rolls Appliance Repair Service Calls in the Guru Mobile, Finding Your Appliance Repair Answers Here at Appliantology, Master Samurai Tech Tour and Tech Workshop, On the background there is the three-phased transmission network. 208V is the voltage between phases of a 3-phase “Y” circuit that is 120V from neutral to any hot. Motors are rated for 10% over or under the nameplate voltage listed on the motor. (large commercial buildings) I would like to find out how … Large pedestal and rack mount servers normally use 208V. While there is seldom difference between 110V, 115V, and 120V, 208V and 240V are more efficient. Because of increasing demand of this information, I will try to explain this shortly and comprehensively. și conexiunea la internet, inclusiv adresa IP, Activitatea de răsfoire și căutare când folosiți site-urile web și aplicațiile Verizon Media. The reason it is 208V and not 240V is due to the phase angle being 120 degrees instead of 180 degrees. I don't understand the difference between household 240 and 3 phase 240. Understanding the Difference Between 120 and 240 Volt Outlets Fred's Appliance November 5, 2016 Service Leave a Comment Any time you do electric work in a home, or even need or want to move your appliances around, you need to understand the difference between 120 and 240 volt outlets . Powered by Invision Community. 2400/240V = 10 amps. All phases are 240 between them. The only difference between the two is that the 208V source systems include an external transformer to step the input voltage up to 120/240V. Now, mostly the differences the customer is concerned with, are just that appliances with 240V designed elements will produce 25% less heat on a 208V system. The power company supplies the compound with 3 phase power. 480V is the voltage between two phases of a 3-phase Y-connected circuit that is 277V from neutral to any single phase. Why Is The Difference Between 208V Power and 230V Power Important? We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. Similarly, you may ask, what is the difference between 208 and 230 volts? Another concern is the motor appears to be for a 50Hz three phase power supply, but the power supply on site could be at 60Hz 208v, so we must take that into consideration, too. When you turn on the hot water in your faucet, water flows from the water heater, through the pipes, and into your sink. If you have Single phase, you have 240V. If you operate a 240V designed device on a 208V system, often you will not notice much retardation in the performance. The reason it is 208V and not 240V is due to the phase angle being 120 degrees instead of 180 degrees. Second, wattage loss at transfer can be calculated by multiplying the transfer line's resistance, by the square (or second power) of the load current. Pentru a permite companiei Verizon Media și partenerilor noștri să vă prelucreze datele personale, selectați 'Sunt de acord' sau selectați 'Administrare setări' pentru a afla mai multe informații și pentru a vă gestiona opțiunile alese. Instead, the voltage from the transmission network will be stepped down by transformers. With electrical loads, the voltage will drop, hence the common reference to voltages below 120 and 240, such as 110, 115, 220, and 230. These power systems are 3-phase where 208V is the voltage between two phases of a Y-connected circuit that is 120V from neutral to any single phase. RE: Molding machine: 208V vs 240V ScusaMe (Electrical) 10 Aug 12 17:40 Contrary to Jeff's (jraef's) comment, NEMA MG-1 2011 and real world experience would disagree. However, 208V refers to a different system voltage level. 208V: For larger residential buildings and blocks especially in big cities, as well as shopping malls etc, there is a system made out of two or three phases. Their waveforms have a half-cycle offset, or 180 degrees, when measured against the neutral wire. However, 208V refers to a different system voltage level. Hello everyone, welcome to At-Man Unlimited. You need to look at the service and in some cases measure voltage to determine what you have. If you have Three phase, you may still have either. If you are in a commercial building, you may have both. Voltages have gone up over the years. The reason it is 208V and not 240V is due to the phase angle being 120 degrees instead of 180 degrees. The load will only notice a difference of 1% on the load current. e.g. How, then, is there 240 and 480v three phase? Temperature in the oven, stove or dryer will probably fluctuate more than what is desirable, and the thermostat will cycle on for short periods. The rest happens much like on the split phase. Meanwhile, here is a haphazard hand sketch. Appliances can be distributed on different live wires, and heating elements will be connected between two live wires. Although the 208v difference in potential is not encountered when either phase is at a peak. These voltages haven't changed. Let's just say that if they use 11kV instead of 110V for transfer (100x voltage) they need the hundredth of current, and lose only a ten thousandth of power in transit, compared to the idea that it was 110V all through the Great United States of America. So, a 230 volt motor can operate as low as 207 volts. No. 220v is the actual voltage used in most europeon countries. For the same reason that the transfer network doesn't work with such a low voltage, the single 120V circuit can only give so much power without the power loss becoming astronomical. The difference between 208V three phase, and 240V single phase, is how the voltage is derived. 120/240 is the technically correct term however it is common for the others to be used. The rest happens much like on the split phase. That is two 120VAC (+/- 5 %) legs. 2400/220V = 10.9 amps. Motors are rated for 10% over or under the nameplate voltage listed on the motor. A commonly used analogy is to compare electricity to water in your pipes at home. Would You Fall for These Control Board Power Supply Troubleshooting Pitfalls? First, by principle, electrical power taken by any load can be calculated by multiplying the current flowing through the load, by the voltage over the load. The usual layout is that single-home buildings have their own stepdown transformers, and larger residential buildings in big cities may have one or a couple larger transformers. Two phases are 120V to ground. A circuit with higher voltage is pushing the electrons harder. At one point it was 110/220V then it went to 115/230V and currently it is 120/240V. I will add more pictures when I have drawn some decent ones. That lets you get 120V between any phase leg and neutral and 208V between any two phase legs. The stepdown transformer has its primary winding wired between two of the three transmission wires. Some appliances are produced in two models designed for the two systems, some are produced in one model designed for 240V with the power reduction noted in the manual, and some are produced in one model with 208V designed elements as optional spare parts. Voltage is simply the difference in potential electrical force between two points. However, total energy consumption is not greatly affected. Therefore, for transmitting the same power, if double voltage is used, half the current is needed, and 75% less power is lost on the trip! Learn how to troubleshoot using schematics like a real tech... MASTER SAMURAI TECH 208V is *not* the same as 240V. It WILL cause your oven, stove or dryer to reach selected temperature slower, and the thermostat will therefore cycle on for longer periods. 240V or split phase: For small residential buildings, the usual method is to rig up a 240V stepdown transformer (instead of 120V) in which the secondary winding is split into two 120V windings (hence the name "split phase"). What has changed, as part of European harmonisation (Cenelec HD472), the declared nominal voltage has changed from 240v +-6% (between 225.6 and 254.4V) to 230V +10% -6% (between 216.2 and 253V), very little change, just a slightly wider margin at the lower end. 1 - What is the difference between 120v/240v and 120v/208v? Puteți să vă schimbați alegerile oricând accesând Controalele de confidențialitate. Inside your water heater, water doesn’t move around much until you turn on a faucet. din Politica noastră de confidențialitate și din Politica privind modulele cookie. This is wired by three separate wires that normally hang adjacently along rows of poles. This is a NEMA requirement. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. Normally these are coupled at one end, the center tap is grounded and fed into the house as the neutral wire, while their other ends are fed into the house as separate live wires. Schematic Exercises to Help You Step Up Your Troubleshooting Game, How to Never Get Tricked by an Open Neutral Again. 120/208V is different as it is a 3 phase versus a single split phase. The rest: 220, 230, 240, & 250 are all collectively (and in a sense erroneously) used to describe 240. One phase is about 200 volts to ground. The other choice would be using at least one hundred times thicker wire, which is not reasonable at all. Due to growing demand of electrical heating (in dryers, ranges, water heaters and sometimes house interior heating) a system has been required that allows usage of 120V designed electronics, and is capable of providing more power for the household. There are also three secondary windings on such a transformer. If you want a simple understanding but aren’t electrically minded, start with a simple analogy you can build on. The main difference between 240v electric power tools and 110v electric power tools is that 240v tools are compatible with domestic plug sockets, while 110v tools are mainly for site use. I know that 208V is used in small commercial or office buildings where 120V is used for lighting and power outlets (office equipment). 208V Single Phase and 208V 3 Phase 208V Single Phase and 208V 3 Phase power are easy to use, but hard to understand. Amps = watts/volts. Neither is inherently noisier than the other. The potential between two phases seems to go from 0v to a max of 208v and then back to 0v again. There are two methods used to avoid this while keeping compatibility. First off, 220V as a service voltage is like the Easter Bunny, it doesn't exist. That simple. Especially in the case of the dryer, the risk of fire hazard is high. The relatively high voltage for the transmission network is selected, because there are two interesting laws about power. … I like the bicycle analogy. The voltage between each wire is 11kV, and the waveform graph drawn for each wire's voltage (and current too) are one third of a cycle off each other. The center tap is then grounded and fed to the house as if it was the neutral wire of the old 120V system, and each end is wired as a separate 120V live wire. Not equal 208 three transmission wires, you get 120V between any phase. Noastră de confidențialitate și din Politica noastră de confidențialitate și din Politica privind cookie. Three transmission wires 208V system, often you will not notice much retardation in performance... Easter Bunny, it does n't exist your Troubleshooting Game, how to troubleshoot using schematics like real. Indicate how much power it uses two lines ( two phases ), but homes may have 208V 220V. The 208V source systems include an external transformer to step the input up... These cases, one or more of full three phase stepdown transformers are to! 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