I love it, Ms99to1. Never understood why a man would wear another man’s name on his back. I got to do better with my qualifications. That’s another reason why I detest professional sports–taxpayer subsidies for billionaire owners and millionaire players. Nor are all black people or cops. I lost many years ago myself. The only issue is the salaries team owners are paying. Your comment packs a lot of wisdom. Marx said tgat religion was the opiate of the masses but I maintain that today its sports. I never said professional athletes aren’t helping the world. And even though I’m certified sports curmudgeon now, I highly recommend going to Lambeau Field if you can. Dude you nailed it. I ask for birthday, but store year, month, and randomize the day before storing. If you play a sport you like it won’t make you act like that and if you don’t like sports you can take a job in business or something else. I’m still a die hard Chicago Bears fan, but that has been down right embarrassing the last 5 years. For others, it’s the kneeling. Excellent point, Mr. JumpStart. I have so much more time to do things that I want to do and enjoy, and even my husband doesn’t consume many sports anymore either. Seems they want to take the easy route for a championship ring, just like in the NBA where players will call out their teammates, throw them under the bus and demand a trade to a contender. It has been a change for the better and I won’t be going back. Love it, Claudia. That can be inspiring. The Monday Night Football clip says it all. Thanks for stopping by, my friend. … It doesn’t matter. All fanatics i know want to escape reality and enjoy a time out in life. You’re not ditching anything. We will have to find recreation elsewhere. Were I still living on Long Island, here’s what it would cost to watch every game of my favorite New York teams and go to at least one of their home games. There actions are then mimicked by the kids in youth sports. Hockey and football costumes are highly functional but still bizarre. How I miss I miss the red, white, and blue basketballs. I disagree with some of those points– but can wholeheartedly get behind the lack of reciprocity (and can I add lack of accountability) on both sides. Good piece buddy. What a great story, Frtiz. Hey, Robert. It doesn’t mean our city is better than yours because our team won. That was a big reason for us. Now, only 1 sport grabs my attention, that would be 3 lady beach volley ball during the Olympics! Can you please tell me how you know I’m 26, btw? But perhaps you’re skeptical. That includes the NA. It’s one of my favorite things about language— and the power it holds. Yes Superb Owl: http://www.cc.com/video-clips/qs3r6w/the-colbert-report-logo-restrictions-for-the-super-bowl. I love it, Jerry. I’m not saying give it up but 10%! In other words, I’m morally obligated to have their back but they’re not morally obligated to have my back. Our research firm measures partnership impact for over 20 pro teams. I loved this post so much I did my own version as a piggyback to this post. The same is true for all non-watchers regardless of race. And totally gratuitous? Yeah, it was acceptable back then. But I came to the same conclusion as you did. You are a textbook example of how professional sports should be consumed. The players had become jerks. She quickly became very moody and verbally abusive. I also do not engage in any television shows , especially sporting events. Die, Spartans, die! “For me, the main reason I don’t follow many professional sports any longer is the costs to go see a game in person. And, yes, I totally neglected the watered-down talent. You say that it’s useless to be a professional sports player cause they aren’t helping the world but then how is writing this whole website helping the world? Check out this clip from the first ever Monday Night Football game. So there is definitely a wonderful socializing aspect to sports–especially football. You’re not alone, Frank. Then it was just a short step from not even tuning in. Btw, I still have my awesome collection of football cards from the 70’s. Im a Packer fan and am super close to writing them off. The sting of oppression must be unbearable. Agreed. In a poll from David Hookstead, 86.7% of peopled voted they'll stop watching. The entire thrust of this was the effect on one person, his tastes and needs or lack thereof. Power Well, see if your father can’t pay the rent go ask Mickey Mantle and see what he tells you. You don’t know? Now imagine how much better your life would be if you devoted that time to making your spouse happy, or doing something with your kids, or learning a new skill? No malice intended. He was my hero. Maybe the team owners and all the players should change careers and become politicians. Invest that same amount of money every year for 40 years at 8% and you would have $352,680. Harris did … Cheers. LOL! But remember, we lost a game. I too lost interest and maybe just watch the Super Bowl, mainly cause that is what everyone does and I don’t want to feel left out. . When I was growing up, I was a sports fanatic. You get to decide by voting for the winner of the year’s Can’t-Stop-Watching Moment. Coincidence? It really made me think. 8:07 a.m. — A La Grande resident on the 2000 block of Third Street asked to speak to an officer regarding harassment. The more you watch them, the more your get-up-and-grab-life-by-the-face muscle will atrophy. AMEN!!! F sports and the disrespectful, unappreciative players. And here’s the truly amazing thing about my transition from sports fanatic to sports dabbler. You are so right that sports can be a huge time suck. The trick is to capture the socializing while avoiding excessive costs. I used to care a great deal about sports…college sports. Agreed. If professional sports keeps you from securing your future, something’s wrong. Meh. And you are so right about the politicization of sports. Take the political statements outside of the game. In 1973, he was named Rookie Of The Year. They can bandy about terms such as “white privilege” and “white supremacy” and not give a shit about the consequences for me and other white people. My mom is from Boston and I knew her side of the family were Sox fans. There’s nothing wrong with sports. You’re 100 percent right. © 2020 Forbes Media LLC. Thank God for the internet! Do you want to cast Simone Biles, Anthony Edwards, Dearica Hamby or a backyard magician in the starring role? I’m assuming that the Dave Ramsey Investment Calculator is a legit tool. Take a look around you. Hey, Dee. Hey, that’s not a bad idea. Others have outlined the myriad of reasons for the decline in NBA viewership. Needless to say, I don’t donate money to my alma mater because I don’t want to indirectly subsidize the athletics program. myriad of reasons for the decline in NBA viewership. Nice point, Joe. Let me know if you have any other questions. But then the Nets moved to New Jersey and Dr. J was traded to Philadelphia. Looking back now, what a waste of my time energy and money. It also effected me and sports. I respect your opinion, but I disagree with what you said. Going to the bar after the show or having a few beers in the parking lot before the show is a great frugal concert hack as well. And great comment. I love it, Bill. I dont like the ups and downs of games (baseball’s ok) there is no reason for any emotional attachment. I think the same thing about those who obsess over People magazine and the latest Hollywood films. maybe another post thereon. In Formula One you can easily see it w suddenly messed up pit stops at critical times, engineers can hobble cars remotely pretty easily, the whole flavio affair, they can drive the cars remotely just like planes. Do they still sell CDs? And then you’ll have something to show for your time and effort instead of a pot gut and a full ashtray and an empty case of beer on the floor. “Mickey Mantle? Most of us would have been happy to stay in the parking lot and tailgate than go into the stadium. A wealthy doctor makes $300K a year and is far more valuable to society. Likewise, no child is worthless just because he or she is pathetic when it comes to sports. $146.54 to go to a Jet game (ticket + beer + hot dog + parking, gas, and tolls). The last thing i need to hear is politics in the beginning or during a sporting event. When Jackie Robinson broke the color … When was the last time people rioted in any city because the movie they rooted for didn’t win the Academy Awards? Nailed it, D. “The chains of habit aren’t felt until they’re too strong to be broken.” Fortunately, I was able to break my sport-fan chains in my early 30s. To hell with the NFL.who do they think the are!taking knee on our country’s flag.i quit watching any kind of pro sports . To be fair, pompousness isn’t confined to NFL pregame hosts. I know two wrongs don’t make a right. It’s insulting. So why do people get so nuts when “our team” wins? Her parents turned her into a trained seal, a trophy child they use to feed their own narcissism. Don’t feed the beast. It sounds like his head is really screwed on right. Peace. You made my day, my friend. No it’s simply irredeemably irresponsible. Donald Trump vows to stop watching NFL and Major League Soccer games amid Black Lives Matter. And, you know, ever since I began to lose interest in sports, my life started getting better. Professional Bull Riders is my new sport and yes I agree they are overpaid unprofessionals. My Dad and I watched every Packers game on the tiny (12”?) And here’s my overriding message regarding my de-sportification: it’s freakin’ awesome. It’s stupid how u think that all sports players are bad people. I don’t know how anyone in the throes of adulthood, especially those who have kids, can devote more than a couple hours per week to professional sports. I was excited when DeadHeadTedThompson lost his GM job and thought that mentality was over. Sure it is entertainment but why do we consider other people having fun (the athletes) while we watch them entertaining? It’s oozing out of every pore of professional sports, from the owners and league officials to the coaches, players, and announcers. Nice article. Take the NBA, in the midst of a decade-long 45% slide in viewership. Talk about bigotry. Let’s get rowdy and flip over some cars!” and the opposite, “Dang, ‘our’ team lost! Even if you don’t watch, big sports can still cost you money. If another city offers them a better deal, they’ll abandon you, the cherished fan, in a heartbeat. The parasite keeps it’s host under control. What to do? This says it all, Lily. We like country music, but not that much. “we we going to, but…(insert sports team)” Is that what you’re upset about? No child is great just because he or she is great at a sport. But no league can afford to give up on any generation, given the relative market size of Boomers (72 million), Gen X (65 million), Gen Y (72 million) and Gen Z (68 million). I would lose interest in the regular season, then the playoffs, and finally the championship round. I really appreciate it. Winners aren’t sitters. Now I have a hard time recalling who played in the Super Bowl two years ago. I like how the songs sound but not the bad things they rap about . Then one year it changed. Time to grow up Americans. Favorite line is when you write “It doesn’t matter.” No kidding it surely doesn’t. I’ve wasted so much time and money watching it. It doesn’t give you any status when your team beats another team. It has nothing to do with pride you should have in yourself or your city as it just happens to be where this assembly of players is based. From our poll, the NFL leads the way with the most at-risk fans (24%), followed by MLB (21%), NBA (17%), NHL (17%), NASCAR (14%) and MLS (14%). I want to shout, “Snap out of it. Totally gratuitous aside: I just wanted to add that even though you convinced me I was wrong, I still wanted to defend my word choice. And you definitely epitomize those qualities. Some players believe it is their social duty given their public profile and reach. Why anyone would subject themselves to the racism of the players and owners is a mystery to me. “…[I]t’s just a bunch of ringers assembled from across the USA and beyond.”, Great freakin’ point, Steve. As I grew older (maybe wiser) I realized that pro sports was just a big business. And you are so right about college sports. Haha! Haha! I don’t often see a person in their late teens or early twenties saying, “Geez! Why do people lose their minds about “we beat you”? We did go to the Superb Owl one year.. and that was a fantastic experience. As a Packers fan gotta disagree with you on the owners comment hahaha but yeah I get what you mean . Also, you know the professional football market in LA is bad when it cost more to go to a high school game than it does to go to a Rams game (at least at the beginning of the session when they weren’t as good). When I first attempted to quit smoking, my mother, who had quit, told me you are only fighting that “one” cigarette; avoid that and you got it licked. I only watch them today is because of I gamble on them sure I make a lot of money off it, but it has had a bad psychological effect on me. But people go crazy obsessed over watching and following professional sports when in the end win or lose the players and owners go back to their wealthy homes and we still have to go to our regular jobs in the morning and none of them probably could careless if you couldn’t make the rent payment next week or if you’re lost your job to layoffs. He just placed the football on the ground. After listening to the bad news of covid 19, BLM, and the fake news….i work all day and look forward to coming home and catching a game. A EX Fan. You’re not curing cancer or fixing global warming. My online textbook, Team Sports Marketing, is the only sports marketing book with frequent attempts at humor. There’s no law saying you need to purchase a premium cable channel, or a season ticket, or a team jersey. Suppose regulatory bodies require me to know whether someone’s over 21 or not. Now my head is spinning. Sadly, Chester has struggled since leaving the NFL, as I suspect many players have. Had they came up in today’s game, they’d all be wearing Yankees or Red Sox uniforms. Equally obvious is the fact that all Americans, players included, have a right to share their voices. Let’s just play and get on with our fantasy world. I didn’t wake up until about twenty years later. No sense wasting money on a stylist. Period. $163.41 to go to an Islander game (ticket + beer + hot dog and fries + Long Island Railroad round trip fare). “Forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Sigh. While I do have to say that I am a sports fan, its actually been really nice this season since my team (the horrible SF Niners) hasn’t been showing up. Pathetic. You know what you get when your team wins the championship? As a renowned blogger (guffaw, guffaw), it’s incumbent upon me to prove my case. Hey, Mrs. WoW. I just run a Braun hair clipper over my head every couple of weeks. How does that make you feel? Sports are definitely more compelling when you actually know one of the players. Thank you, Kate. I agree completely. Of course I’ve known that professional players of any sport could care less about the “fans”, but they really jumped the shark by forcing their political views on us. We do love to watch, but usually it’s on more in the background as noise while we do other stuff. After baseball came hockey. If you invest that $40,000 VIP ticket money and let it ride for 40 years with a 10% interest rate, you will have over $2 million in net worth and be a 401(k) millionaire.”, 100% agree. We have a new GM and he went about the draft just like the last dipshit GM. While it may be big business, they’re not making much (if any) off of me. And I love that you’re a Sox fan. I had a friend one time who got the shit kicked out of him in a bar defending the honor of his beloved Boston Bruins. For the first time in my life, im ditchng sports and am gonna take your advice and play some frisbee golf. As I continued aging I became angry again as I saw people wasting tons of time, money, mental and emotional energy on sports crap. The outcome of a sporting event will not change your life in anyway, but if it does (you’re happy, you’re sad, mad, etc) then it’s time to reflect on what’s important in life. Don’t mention the gambling. I could do the math but I’m not that interested hahaha. Yes, the food and drinks were crazy expensive but it was a rare treat and worth the experience for the memories we created. Subscribe!! Not only that didn’t happen, it became way worse, bringing into broadcasting the idiotic opinions and messages of every spectator through the internet. Massive sports fanatic as a kid. And I love the point you made about sports being used a background noise. Then maybe we as a country can start focusing on “real” issues. But adults wearing football or hockey jerseys? Do that and sports are an awesome form of entertainment. Mickey Mantle makes $100,000 a year. You’re a wise man, sir. You don’t have to buy a Personal Seat License, for instance, to buy a ticket to a summer concert series at a particular venue. The vast majority of people don't plan on watching NFL games if players kneel. I have to admit, I still do watch but not as much. (Don’t watch if you’re squeamish. The kid was a huge Yankee’s and Mickey Mantle fan who took the 1960 World Series lose hard. and here is my (contrarian) suggestion: Useful Pro Sports. And because Los Angeles is such a hotbed of football fanatics, the San Diego Chargers decided to move there too. “If they would only focus 10% of that attention to their questionable finances, something that actually matters, unlike sports.”. But I’m also a white male and I don’t see the same level of concern for my inalienable rights and my well-being coming from the Left–especially the feminist, black, and gay Left. Left most games with a ball because we go there for batting practice and they didn’t care if you leaned and grabbed one. So long as we can maintain the separation of sport and state (of politics). All Rights Reserved, This is a BETA experience. Couldn’t agree more. I’d like to hear your thoughts about music as well. Excellent point. Sports add nothing, provide nothing but occupying my time. Nothing but roided up cheaters. The St. Louis Rams recently moved to Los Angeles, which is good because that’s where the Rams originally hailed from. It is ridiculous how the costs to attend a game have gotten out of control.”. I have had so much time and care to invest in something other than staring at a screen for 3 hours. And, not everyone who loves sports can play them. I watched less games. True adults don’t worry about sports. Nothing wrong with watching an occasional game. I enjoy the socializing when watching football, but football is the only sport I’ll watch. Still others note the coincidence with kneeling and social justice movements featured in broadcasts may play a role. Finally, i am also disappointing in the sports owners, they are the boss. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. That being said — this article was forwarded to me by a former professional sports super fan who has changed their point of view. It’s called compound interest which is earning interest on the interest earned before. I’m much rather watch bull-riding than any of the four major sports. It reminds me of the film “A Bronx Tale” from 1993. It’s also good to see he may have conquered his post-career demons. Thank you, Amy. In fact, I’ve boldly proclaimed that I will only go to a major league game if it’s a game he’s playing in. And secondly, the politicization of sports is the nail in the coffin for me. Sports are first-world problems. I only watched one game, and that was because I went to it. Sports fan poll (N=956; +/- 3.1%) representative of Democrats (blue), Republicans (red) and ... [+] independents (gray). He still follows fantasy football, but with all the political BS, I have lost all interest. Hey, Tom. I’m sorry to break it to you fanatics but yes, your favorite athlete and/or action movie star is a cheater. Yep, the boys of summer have been replaced by the activists of summer. Winners are doers. You’re not hosting Masterpiece Theatre or handing out Nobel Prizes to Laureates in Sweden. My dad was like “calm down son” and basically listed most of what you said above. When I was “into” professional sports, I was little more than a irritable, yell-at-the-television lout. Imagine going to work and putting your hand in a waffle or your head in a hardened shell of plastic stuffed with foam and partially covered with metal? Join a softball league. They are taking advantage of the opportunity to make a living at playing a game and they try to get the most they can before the window closes on their career (one injury away). How dare I renounce the bread and circuses that our overlords have worked so hard to prepare! Being a patriot-phobe is just as ugly as being a homophobe or an Islamophobe. But even here, things can get absurd. New fans are hard to find and losing loyal fans can spell trouble for looming media and collective bargaining agreement deals. I like going to games for the social aspect and will watch tv sports for the same reason, but that’s about it. On the other hand, are grown men running around chasing a ball and being paid millions any more ridiculous than Tom Cruise being paid millions to dress up and pretend to be someone else? The most compelling reason I feel they should be banned is their effect on the world as a whole, particularly the environment. Thank you, Joe. If only more people had your wisdom. There are too many damn commercials. Sports can be a wonderful thing. He tried to explain that Met players were just people and shouldn’t be worshiped. Just because I’m a male and I’m good at playing sports doesn’t mean that I have any interest in wasting my time watching them. He was one tough cookie and an integral part of the Edmonton dynasty. I hate watching sports on TV, it’s a big waste of time. In baseball, ninety percent of the time it’s just two guys having a catch, the pitcher and the catcher. Understand sports are a business, and don’t get emotionally attached to any player. Win or lose the players and owners go home to their wealthy lives, and in six weeks most people forget or no longer care and you spent or wasted money on championship merchandise that will sit in the closet for years. If I want to watch something evolve at a snail’s pace, I’ll watch chess. I stopped watching the NFL when they got Colin (Kaepernick) cancer. Mickey Mantle could care less about you, why care about him?”. Am I wrong? And, then, finally, I ditched regular season football and playoff football. In fact refs and calls are probably the major mechanism of fixing besides players actions. Athletes don’t care if you’re broke, can’t pay the rent, and are starving. Allow players to shit on my flag and country and you lose my patronage–forever!